Washington, D.C. –
MSC's Ben Smith is currently at the
National Crash Analysis Convention, at the
National Crash Analysis Center at the Virginia campus of
The George Washington University. The conference lineup has included lectures and presentations on cutting-edge research being conducted at George Washington University and at the Federal Highway Administration research facility. The following list is a small sample of the presentations.
- “Opportunities for Occupant Protection in Far Side Impacts,” by Dr. Kennerly H. Digges, Mr. Vinay Nagabushana
- “Addressing Narrow Overlap Collisions: FLEE and FREE,” by Mr. Paul Scullion & Mr. Richard Morgan
- “Review of High Speed Rear-End Vehicle-to-Vehicle Crash Test Data from previous tests conducted for the conference,” by Dr. Kennerly H. Digges, Mr. Shaun Kildare, Lawrence Wilson, & Wade Bartlett
- “Guardrail Induced Rollover of Passenger Vehicles,” by Dr. Ken Opiela, Dr. Kennerly H. Digges, & Ms. Ana Eigen
- “Roof Crush and Roof Strength Characteristics from JRS Rollover Testing,” by Dr. Kennerly H. Digges & Dr. Carl Nash
In addition to hearing excellent presentations, Ben had the opportunity to tour the Federal Highway Administration research facilities in Langley, Virginia, tour the research facilities at George Washington University, and take part in live crash testing at the
Federal Outdoor Impact Facility. Ben, along with other conference attendees, was able to observe a full-scale crash test involving a vehicle rear-end crash and a concrete barrier crash.
Ben took the images below, which show the crash sequence in one of the test crashes.

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