At an event celebrating the contributions of auto insurers to the progress of improvements in highway safety, a crash test was conducted with a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air and a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. The crash event helped demonstrate how car crashworthiness has evolved since 1959.
Robert P. Hartwig, PhD, the President of the Insurance Information Institute, gave the keynote speech at this event. In his speech, he provided interesting statistics to help explain the progress of highway safety over the past 50 years. Dr. Hartwig said “there were 6 percent fewer highway deaths in 2008 than in 1960 despite the fact that last year [2008] there were nearly three times as many licensed drivers, four times as many cars and ten times as many miles driven than in 1960.” Read more about the event.
To see how much better the 2009